Tennessee land for sale

Below are the Covenants for 
Spring Creek Village

The Covenants are not intended to place tight restrictions on land use, but rather to help to keep the Development clean and orderly.


Spring Creek Village: Recorded in Deed Book 164, Page 339 of the Register of Deeds, Bledsoe County, Tennessee.

  1. There shall be only one double-wide mobile home erected, or installed on any  lot.   No conventional homes shall be erected on the property. All double-wide mobile homes shall face Old York highway on First Street or Second Street.

  2. There shall no accumulation of  debris,  refuse, or trsh and  no placement or storage of junk; and no placement of non-operating vehicles property.  Any boat or utility trailers must be parked in the rear of dwelling.  Any piles of firewood must be neatly stacked in rear of lot.

  3. Tracts shall be used for residential purposes only.

  4. Building or mobile home placement setback shall be 40 feet the front, 40 feet from back, and 10 feet from side property line, unless modified by written consent of the Declarant.

  5. There shall be no placement of a mobile home less than 24 feet in width and must be new at time of installation.  Mobile homes must be on permanent foundation.   Mobile homes must be constructed of vinyl or wood siding.  No metal roofs or sides.

  6. Landscaping of approximately 30 plants must be installed in front of residence.

  7. The subject double-wide mobile home shall be suitable for the lot and harmonious with other residences in the area, and generally shall promote the beauty, harmony and desirability of said area as a residential development.

  8. Structures, garages, walls, fences, or other permanent fixtures may only be installed after approval by Declarant/Owner.

  9. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot or portion thereof, except that dogs, cats or other household pets, not to exceed two (2) may be kept, provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose, provided they do not bark, howl, or otherwise disturb the quiet of the neighborhood, and provide further that they are kept fenced, leashed, or otherwise restrained from running free throughout the subdivision.

  10. No business enterprise of any kind shall be conducted at any residence or on any residential lot described above.

  11. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor within the subdivision, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood.

  12. Parking or storage of campers, trailers, boats or other recreational vehicles, or any vehicles with a GVW in excess of ΒΌ ton is prohibited except within an enclosed garage or except at the rear of the residence.

  13. No streets, ditches, signs, or other improvements in the said subdivision may be modified or altered without the written consent of the Declarant, or his successors or assigns.

  14. No lot shall be further subdivided.

  15. There shall be no clotheslines erected or installed on the property.

  16. All utilities, including electric from primary source, servicing individual lots, must be erected underground.

  17. In the event the Declarant/Owner paves (chip and tar) the streets of the property, each purchaser (or owner) agrees to pay to Declarant/Owner his/her pro-rated cost of the paving.


Spring Creek Village Covenants